Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Come and See

Early in the story of Jesus' ministry, we read about John the Baptist recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. As John was with his followers one day, he saw Jesus passing by and said, "Look, the Lamb of God!" Two who heard him decided to pursue whatever that meant, so they got up and followed Jesus. When they asked Jesus where he was staying, he replied, "Come, and you will see." So they went, and spent the day with him.

I love the invitation here, the hospitality extended -- Jesus welcoming others into his space. And the hospitality was spread, too, when Andrew responded in his excitement by bringing his brother Simon to Jesus, and when Philip invited even the rather dismissive-sounding Nathanael.

It seems there was plenty that John the Baptist didn't fully know or understand about Jesus, but he didn't let that keep him from following what he did know and understand. And he didn't keep it to himself; he engaged with others.

And Jesus? He welcomed those who didn't really know who he was but were interested in finding out -- and he still does. He invites each person to not just know about him, but to deeply know him, spending time in his presence and discovering who he is.

-- Pastor Debi
(This account is found in John 1.)

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